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It's as though a breath of fresh air has been blown right down the wide path of the new eco-friendly bikeway located in this sunny neighborhhood.
As you stroll along the path, you'll notice a colorful array of Burbank's finest denizens. Whether a couple walking a cute dog, a young man jogging, or teenagers riding by on their bikes. You may even spot kids rolling by - on roller skates or skate boards or a mom pushing her child in a stroller. Whatever you may see, it's a nice glimpse of this vibrant city through those who utilize the bikeway most, it's residents.
The Chandler Bikeway is a four-mile bikeway within the former Chandler Boulevard railroad right-of-way running from Mariposa Street to the Burbank/Los Angeles border at Clybourn Avenue. A bikeway and pedestrian path has been constructed where the railroad tracks used to be and the sides of the median have been landscaped with grass and trees.
Bikeways are a growing trend in many cities across the united states. The benefits of bikeways go beyond exercise and recreation. They can also be used as a means of transportation for those who rely on non-motorized transportation such as bikes or foot.
Benefits of Trails and Bikeways
· RECREATION AND HEALTH Walking and bicycling are the two most popular recreation activities in America. Trail systems not only encourage these activities but also other popular activities such as jogging, in-line skating and horseback riding. Trail users and bicyclists who exercise regularly live longer, healthier and more active lives.
· AIR QUALITY improves when people travel by bicycle instead of cars. A good trails and bikeways system creates opportunities that encourage people to use non-motorized methods of commuting.
· PRESERVATION Chandler Blvd. holds some historical value to the city of Burbank as it was one of Burbank Branch's main railways.
· ECONOMIC BENEFIT Property values located next to trail systems tend to be higher than those that are not. Communities with established trail systems often draw employers to the area. Trails increase tourism which in turn can revitalize local businesses and create jobs.
CHANDLER BIKEWAY: Burbank provides a network of bikeways that stretch more than 20 miles to the Warner Center in Woodland Hills. Within city limits, the Chandler Bikeway, a 2-mile dedicated bike and pedestrian path, attracts thousands of riders per week. Currently planned is another 15 miles of bike routes that will link many of the city's neighborhoods.
The City of Los Angeles is constructing the extension of the bikeway past Clybourn Avenue. Ultimately, the bikeway will connect to the North Hollywood Metro Red Line subway station.
The mile long bike path will be the final connecting link between the Burbank Transit Center to the east and Warner Center to the west along the former Southern Pacific Rail Line (along which sprouted the towns of Lankershim [now North Hollywood], Van Nuys, and other early communities of the San Fernando Valley). When completed in April, the bike path will afford cyclists a 17-mile ride through the San Fernando Valley from WarnerCenter to Burbank.
For the latest news on the Chandler Bikeway, please see the Trail Web Site (
Photo #1 courtesy of: city of burbank (click for link)
Rendering courtesy of:
All other photo credits: Tricia Bautista 2005
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